3 ME Arquitectura is a young studio based in Guanajuato, Mexico. From a multidisciplinary approach they develop their work from the confrontation of ideas that pass between research, academia and practice, to achieve the maximum expression of the media and its continuity over time.
Founded by Enrico Hernández Cervantes and Augusto Valentino Hernández Cervantes, both graduates of the School of Architecture of the University of Guanajuato, with a Master's Degree in Architectural Design from the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra. Their practice is complemented by the academic work they carry out at the Instituto de Tecnológico de Estudios de Superiores de Monterrey, León campus. They are collaborators within the Habitat program of the Tec de Monterrey campus León.
The studio has carried out important public works and rehabilitation projects of historical spaces; as well as projects for private clients. In 2020 they were recognized with the first place of the Félix Candela Award and the honorable mention for the Salvatierra Irrigation Module project. His work has been published in national and international magazines.

Ponentes en Curso Taller Elaboración de Proyectos de Restauración en apoyo a la difusión y mantenimiento del patrimonio, organizado por la Basílica Catedral de Puebla y la Dirección de Conservación de la Arquidiócesis de Puebla.
Colaboradores en Territorial Effects of Shared Living Heritage Regeneration, Tec de Monterrey, Universidad de Pavia, Universidad de Tonji.
Colaboradores del Programa Hábitat EAAD campus León.
Mención de honor premio Interceramic, edificio público: Módulo de Riego Salvatierra.
Organizadores del Encuentro MDA-BAL, México.
Profesores de Cátedra EAAD Tecnológico de Monterrey campus León.